Following are the local rules for the AAA Division in Foster City Little League Baseball. A full explanation of all the rules can be found in the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball.
There will be a 3 game pre-season which will not count towards the standings. Each team will then play all other teams twice during the regular season (12 games). There will be two games per week (1 weekday and 1 Saturday). All male players must be properly equipped with an athletic supporter and cup.
There will be a double elimination championship tournament at the end of the season
Games are six (6) innings long. If a game is shortened for weather or darkness etc. it is a regulation game if 4 innings have been completed, or if the home team is ahead after 3 and ½ innings. If a game is called before it has become a regulation game and 1 or more innings have been played, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off.
Managers have the option of 1 or 2 coaches. There is a maximum of three adult manager/coaches allowed in the dugout during a game. Adult coaches may coach at the bases. Only players are allowed to warm up the pitcher either in the bullpen or between innings and, he/she must wear a mask, throat protector and catchers helmet combination.
The home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout. Each player on the team must play a minimum of three innings per game at any combination of positions (only two innings are required in a shortened game). If a player does not complete minimum play, that player must then start the next scheduled game, fulfill the playing obligation from the last game, and at least the minimum play for the current game before being taken out. Violation of the minimum play rules will result in a warning, then a possible suspension of the Manager by the League's Board of Directors.
No 12 year old may pitch. A player who is league age 11 may pitch up to 85 pitches per day. A player who is league age 10 or under may pitch up to 75 pitches per day. In either case, if a pitcher reaches their pitching limit while facing a batter, they may continue to pitch until that batter reaches base or is put out.
Regardless of the number of innings pitched, the following rest provisions will apply for all pitchers:
- if a player pitches 61 or more pitches in a day, 3 calendar days of rest is required
- if a player pitches 41-60 pitches in a day, 2 calendar days of rest is required
- if a player pitches 21-40 pitches in a day, 1 calendar day of rest is required
- if a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, 0 calendar days of rest is required.
For example, if a player pitches 65 pitches on Monday, that player may pitch again on Friday (having rested on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).
It is the responsibility of the pitcher's manager to insure that the pitching limit is not exceeded, and that the proper rest is observed before a pitcher returns to pitch again. Violation of pitching limits and/or rest periods is a basis for protest of the game.
If a team wishes to give a batter an intentional base-on-balls, the catcher must inform the umpire prior to the delivery of a pitch to the batter. The umpire will wave the batter to first base, the ball is dead, and no pitches will be assessed to the pitcher. Once a pitch has been thrown to the batter, this intentional walk option is not available.
A normal baseball defense with 9 players is used, but the entire roster hits. A late arrival goes to the end of the batting order. The strike zone is expanded to promote aggressive hitting and to help develop pitcher confidence. The strike zone will be defined as "The space over home plate, plus two (2) inches on each side, which is between the armpits and mid-calf of the lower leg when the batter assumes a natural stance".
Bunting and stealing (after the ball crosses the plate) is allowed. All runners must slide on all close plays, especially at home plate and potential force outs at 2nd base. If a runner does not slide on a close play, he/she might be called out at the discretion of the umpire, even if they were safe on the play.
The previous play is dead only when the catcher has his/her mask and glove on, is in the area designated as the catcher's box, and the pitcher is on the mound. The mound is defined as the sloped part of the pitcher's area, not the rubber itself.
If a batter throws a bat, he/she will receive a warning on the first occasion. On the second occasion it will be an immediate dead ball out and the manager will be notified that the player may not bat for the balance of the game, but may play in the field.
The catcher cannot block home plate unless he/she has possession of the ball.
There will be no on-deck circle. Players may not take warm-up swings either inside or outside the dugout.
There shall be no head-first sliding to a base a runner is attempting to reach. A player is allowed to slide head first back to the base he
already legally gained possession of. Example: A runner on first may not slide head first into second on a ground ball. He may however dive head first back to first base on a line drive in
an attempt not to be put out.
AAA Division Teams
Foster City Little League
Since 1966