Scorekeeper scheduling is coordinated through a dedicated website at the following link:
Click Here for Scorekeeper Scheduling Link
To attain a password or for other questions about the Scorekeeper scheduling site, please contact Gene Pallas at (650) 578-9206 or email him at For other questions about the scorekeeping program, please email Julie Murphy Scanlon at
Scorekeeper Resources
An outline of the guidelines for paid scorekeepers is available by Clicking Here.
For instructions on operating the scoreboard consoles, select the button on the left or Click Here.
For a copy of the 2007 Pitch Count Regulation Guide, Click Here (large file).
For a copy of the Pitch Log page used to track pitches, Click Here.
Youth Scorekeeper applications for the 2008 spring season are still being accepted. For further information and forms, please Click Here.
Foster City Little League
Since 1966